Briefly introduce several factor that affect the tail temperature of the slime dryer

  In the past, the author introduced three common temperatures in the slime drying production line. Today, I will explain in detail the factors affecting the tail temperature of the slime dryer to see what factors will cause changes in its temperature.

One of the reasons that affect the temperature change is the sealing degree of the equipment. After the seal facility is worn out at the end of the equipment, the sealing effect is not ideal and the temperature will appear low. When the temperature is low, the staff should also investigate the problem in a timely manner. If the thermal slime of the slime dryer has crusts, it will also cause low temperature; in addition, there is a relationship between the negative pressure of the equipment tail, which is related to the system exhaust, preheater resistance, three wind pipe resistance, There is a certain relationship between ring formation and so on, these are the factors that affect its change. The daily staff can find out the location where the high temperature air flow or material erosion is small in a certain area of the tail as a measuring point to check the tail temperature. Change and check the operation of the equipment through the burden of change.

Knowing the influencing factors of the tail temperature of the slime dryer plays a certain role in assisting the efficiency of the entire drying line so that the staff can detect the problem in time and perform relevant processing to improve the efficiency of the entire process. The company caused losses.

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