About the heating method of rotary drum dryers

 Rotary drum dryer is a commonly used equipment for drying materials. In order to let everyone know more about the rotary drum dryer, we will introduce several heating methods for the rotary drum dryer today.

Convection heat transfer: Convection is a basic form of heat transfer that occurs in macroscopic motion. Convection heat transfer refers to the phenomenon of transferring heat from somewhere in space to another place. There are currently two methods of convective heat transfer: natural convection and forced convection.

Heat conduction: Heat conduction refers to the heat transfer mode in which the internal molecules of the material do not undergo macroscopic motion. The molecules with higher internal temperatures undergo violent movement and collide with other relatively low temperature examples, transferring thermal energy into kinetic energy. The whole process is only a microscopic movement. Common heat conduction: solid heat transfer, static liquid or gas heat transfer.

Another type of radiation refers to the way in which heat is transmitted by electromagnetic waves. Thermal energy conducts heat in the form of electromagnetic waves. Radiation does not require media to transmit, which is the difference between the essence of the other two methods.

The above three types are the current heat supply methods of the rotary drum dryer. According to the characteristics of the materials, suitable heating methods can be selected to allow the materials to be dried better.


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