Grain dryer use and care must be cautious

Grain dryer is an important equipment for drying grain, the volume is relatively large price is relatively high, so in the process of using and maintaining special attention. correct use, regular maintenance on a regular basis to extend the life of grain.

1.Grain dryer equipment lubrication points of the oil circuit to maintain unobstructed enough oil, regular hydrostatic bearings return oil filter cleaning.

2. Classifier load must be gradually increased, under normal circumstances are not allowed to start with a load.

3.It should be regularly checked spiral and the next tractor flutter, blade and stent activity, found abnormalities immediately identify the reasons for downtime.

4.It checks the reducer hourly temperature, fuel, sound, anomalies reported in a timely manner.

5.The device itself and the surrounding classes to clean the friction, often to maintain grain dryer clean and equipment character.

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